Helloooo, Gorgeous!
Welcome, and thank you so much for considering a visit with me! I'm super excited to meet you.
I'll ask you to begin by filling out a New Guest Intake Form* which will help me get to know you a bit better, and then come right back here to this page to continue the experience and get yourself booked!
*This first step is totally optional, so if you don't have time right now, you can skip it & head down to follow the instructions in the next section (where it says, "moving right along..") to request your appointment online.
Sweet! Moving right along...
You've already introduced yourself virtually, (thanks for that) so the next step in your experience will be actually booking your appointment using the online booking system linked below.
Start by choosing which service(s) are right for you. To learn more about services offered, simply click the Services tab & read the descriptions of each of the different service options. *Please note that most of the prices listed are "starting prices" which represent pricing for our less-seasoned stylists.* After you've decided which services you need, you'll click the Book Now button at the top of the page (on mobile, click Book Now next to the New Guest Consultation - then click the "<" {back} button at the top left of the page & choose Jessi Ely in the drop down menu that comes up when you click "Any Service Provider").
Moving on, you'll be choosing Jessi as your Service Provider for each service you choose. Next, please start with a "New Guest Consultation" so that we have plenty of time to chat & be sure we're on the same page. Right below New Guest Consultation, you'll see a button that says "+ Add Service"... Click that & add up to two additional services (be sure to choose Jessi as your Service Provider for each additional service you add), then the system will show you my availability.
Request the time that works best for your schedule. You do this by choosing the date/time, then the system will prompt you to log in. You can log in using Facebook, Google, Apple, or you can create your profile using your email address (click the "Sign up Now" button below "Login"). If you're interested in booking more than two services in a single appointment, please indicate that in the "About your appointment" section at the top of the page that pops up after you've chosen your time. Then click "Request" to let me know that you'd like to be added to my schedule. I'll be in touch to address any additional service requests, or if there are any scheduling problems.
After you've requested your appointment, head on back here to this page one last time to read all about what you can expect when you arrive at the salon for your reserved appointment.
Great! The experience continues...

So you've filled out my intake form, you've booked your appointment, and now you're excited, you're so ready for your hair dreams to finally come true, and ... you're mayyyybe even feeling a little nervous, right? I get it, babe! Meeting a new stylist can be SCARY! So let's talk about what you can expect when you walk into Salon Twelve:Seven for the very first time.
When you arrive at the salon, park on the blacktop either on the north or south end of the building. You can come in either door (front or back). I'll be looking for you, but if you aren't greeted immediately, please take a seat immediately to your right upon entry if you come in the front (south) door, or directly down the hall if you enter through the back. We don't have a ton of extra chairs available these days, so we do ask that you come alone (unless you’re accompanying a minor for their appointment), and leave any unnecessary items at home or in your vehicle.
I'll come get you, then show you to my station where we'll get started with a thorough chat about your hair's history and your goals moving forward. If you have a Pinterest board of dream hair, I'd LOVE to see it, so don't forget your phone! Together, we'll make a plan for the day's visit, as well as a long-term plan if that's what will be required to get you from our starting look to your "Dream Hair Final Destination."
If color is part of the day's plan, I'll then leave you to go mix a custom formula for you that will ultimately result in the happiest, healthiest hair you ever did see. I'll apply your color, and then you'll be offered a snack and/or a beverage while your color processes. We do have a handful of magazines available if you’re a reader, or you're welcome to bring a book or your smart phone to keep yourself entertained. Next, we'll rinse your color at one of our heated, massaging shampoo chairs where I will give you a relaxing and rejuvenating scalp massage. I always say that leaving the shampoo room with clean hair is really just a bonus. It's actually all about the relaxation factor!
We'll then head back to my chair where I'll create for you a masterpiece of a haircut (the likes of which you have never before seen) based on your face shape, lifestyle, and overall goals. Product recommendations as well as styling tips and tricks will be shared as we finish with your blowdry & style, and extended styling lessons are available to book if you'd like to learn easy DIY updo's or fun curling techniques.
Finally, we will wrap up your first visit by checking you out (I accept cash and credit only), and setting up your next appointment. I may ask to take your picture to feature your beautiful new ‘do on my social media and/or website. Feel free to decline if you're a photo-phobe. I promise I won't hold that against you!
I'm truly so excited to meet you, and so grateful that you've chosen me to be your new hairstylist! I can't even wait to see what kind of beauty we're able to create together.
Oh, and I almost forgot...
Please allow me to introduce myself!